Opening Details
If you are interested in this position, please apply below. Contact Juris Placements using the reference code with any questions.
APPLY NOW EMAIL US DIRECTLYDescription: Fund Formation
Position: Associate
Notes: Firm is seeking an associate with 3-5 years of private equity fund formation experience. Firm has over 600 attorneys across principal financial centers in the US, Europe and Asia. They represent leading corporations and financial institutions on substantial international matters. Client base consists of multinational corporate leaders, ranging from investment banks to heavy industry, as well as entrepreneurial companies across all sectors. Not-for-profits (many on a pro bono basis), local, state and government bodies; foreign governments; and associations representing the major professions. Private individuals.
Years Experience: (3 - 5)
Bar Requirements:
Location: USA - NY - New York
Date Opened: 01/30/2024
Code: 4513464
Office 610-825-7751 | Cell 610-653-2840 | Copyright © Juris Placements, Inc. All Rights Reserved.