Opening Details
If you are interested in this position, please apply below. Contact Juris Placements using the reference code with any questions.
APPLY NOW EMAIL US DIRECTLYDescription: Patent Litigation/Biotech
Position: Associate
Notes: Firm is seeking an associate with 2-7 years of patent litigation experience to work on a variety of patent litigation matters in the biology, biotechnology, chemical and pharmaceutical fields. An advanced degree in biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, organic chemistry, pharmacology, or a related field. This firm practices intellectual property law on a worldwide basis encompassing patent, trademark and copyright law as well as related areas such as trade secrets and unfair competition. Firm's legal services involve securing intellectual property protection, rendering opinions and providing advice as well as professional services in related litigation, licensing, contract and other matters. The firm has handled a large number of complex and high profile patent litigations as well as advice and representation with respect to First Amendment and defamation issues. The firm's patent practice is focused in technological areas such as the biotechnology and pharmaceutical fields; computer hardware and software and the Internet; semiconductors; advanced electronics; medical devices; and a wide variety of mechanical systems and devices. The firm has a significant trade identity practice, representing clients in the fields of trademarks, service marks, trade names, unfair competition, character protection, and the like. A significant aspect of their practice is devoted to obtaining patents, obtaining trademark and copyright registrations, and licensing and counseling.
Years Experience: (2 - 7)
Bar Requirements:
Location: USA - DC - Washington
Date Opened: 12/04/2023
Code: 4513196
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